Тема в разделе "Схемы заработка", создана пользователем Brain, 19 май 2016.

  1. Brain


    1 урок

    Если вы читаете этот курс, значит, значит Вы на правильном пути к
    успеху. Приступим.

    Как же будет происходить Ваш заработок?

    Собственно весь смысл заключен в монетизации ЛЮБЫХ ссылок на их сокращении. Я предоставлю Вам несколько сервисов, платящих от 1$ до 5$ за 1000 переходов по такой ссылке.

    Видео уроки, где все подробно описано шаг за шагом Первый способ заработка:

    Сервисы для заработка на сокращении ссылок:

    Вот на этих, или на одном из этих сервисах Вы и будете зарабатывать.

    1. Выберите сервис, на котором Вы хотите заработать
    2. Зарегистрируйтесь на нем
    3. После регистрации Вам будет предложено сократить свою первую
    4. Скопируйте ссылку на какой-нибудь сайт или файл и вставьте в поле на
    сервисе сокращения ссылок, сократите ее, нажав кнопку и скопируйте.
    В дальнейшем Ваши сокращенные ссылки будут доступны в личном
    кабинете сервиса.

    Урок 2. Распространение и заработок на сокращенной ссылке.

    Существует ряд сервисов, предназначенных на накрутке показов сайтов реальными посетителями, а не ботами, с реальных айпи адресов. Ниже я представлю два наиболее подходящих нам сервиса.

    отличный сервис РэдСерф, работает быстро и слаженно.
    тоже отличный сервис, но работает чуть медленнее предыдущего.

    Зарегистрируйтесь на любом из этих сервисов (Лучше это сделать в браузере Google Chrome). После регистрации Вам подарком начислят первые кредиты на просмторы, для заработка новых кредитов просто скачайте и запустите предложенную сервисом программу, начисление кредитов происходит быстро.

    Теперь нам необходимо подготовить редирект для нашей короткой ссылки. Для этого можно использовать сервис блоггер бесплатно предоставленный гуглом пройдите и зарегистрируйте новый блог. После регистрации блога пройдите к настройкам шаблона и нажмите изменить html как на рисунке ниже.
    img32.jpg найдите в окне такой тег <body>
    и сразу после него вставьте следующий скрипт:

    < script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' > function pre_reklama() {
    document.location=&quot;СЮДА ВСТАВЬТЕ ВАШУ ССЫЛКУ&quot;;
    < /script >

    сохраните шаблон и скопируйте ссылку на Ваш блог.


    Далее в сервисе РэдСерф или ЛайфСеф нажмите добавить сайт и заполните поля
    как на картинке ниже в поле прямые адреса вставьте

    Следующие настройки показаны на следующем рисунке

    Вот и все. Теперь включите ваш сайт на просмотры и следите за балансом Вашего
    счета на сервисе сокращения ссылок.

    Удачного вам заработка!
  2. web77


    Уже 2-й мануал на эту тему. Надо заняться
  3. ELAES


    Возможно я чего то не понимаю, однако что бы переход засчитывался нужно вводить капчу, редсерф же этого делать не будет, тть никакого зароботка
    22-05-2016 01-53-08.png
  4. web77


    Сегодня займусь тестированием. А насчет капчи. Может я чего-то забыл. Но там же при переходе по сокращенной ссылке, показывается не капча, а реклама. Собственно на рекламе эти сервисы и зарабатывают. Тем более, рисков-ноль. Не то что в арбитраже. За 12 часов прога накатала мне примерно 500 rm. Вот на них и попробую.
  5. web77


    Короче, пока облом. На всех 3-х предоставленных сервисах вылазит или капча или пропустить рекламу. Переход на сайт только после нажатия кнопки. Печаль. У кого какие мысли? Adf.iy тоже проверил.
  6. web77


    В пиз@у! Только время потерял
  7. Aaexepeni


    <p><strong>Международная логистическая компания ЛАЗУРИТ</strong>, предлагает полный портфель логистических услуг по доставке грузов из Китая в Россию, для широкого спектра отраслей бизнеса.</p>
    <p>С помощью нашего сервиса FCL мы обеспечиваем конкурентоспособный, защищенный и простой подход доставки ваших контейнерных грузов. Воспользуйтесь конкурентоспособными ценами и оформите букинг на поставку грузов в контейнерах из Китая.</p>
    <p>Для всех контейнерных грузоперевозок из Китая, мы создаем различные решения со стандартными контейнерами, рефрижераторами, контейнерами с открытым верхом и плоскими стеллажами, а также необходимым специальным оборудованием. Мы обеспечиваем регулярные отправления и сроки грузоперевозки из Китая.</p>
    <p>Менеджеры нашей компании создают FCL решения "от двери до двери" с учетом потребностей клиента, включая грузоперевозку с любого порта Китая.</p>
    <p>Мы предоставим конкурентную цену на <a href="">грузоперевозки из Китая</a> и готовы предложить сопутствующие услуги:</p>
    <div><strong><a href="">Компании по выкупу товаров из Китая</a></strong></div>
    <div><strong><a href="">Перевозка грузов из Китая в Россию</a></strong></div>
    <div><strong><a href="">Таможенное оформление товаров</a></strong></div>
    <img src="" alt="Морские контейнерные перевозки из Китая" width="600" height="400">
    <p>Основные направления перевозок контейнерных грузов из Китая:</p>
    <li>Порт Ксинганг - Восточный порт (ВСК) - Москва</li>
    <li>Порт Шанхай - Восточный порт (ВСК) - Екатеринбург</li>
    <li>Порт Нинбо - Восточный порт (ВСК) - Новосибирск</li>
    <li>Порт Нинбо - Восточный порт (ВСК) - Санкт-Петербург</li>
    <li>Порт Нинбо - Восточный порт (ВСК) - Тольятти</li>
    <li>Порт Нанша - Восточный порт (ВСК) - Красноярск</li>
    <li>Порт Сямынь - Рыбный порт (ВМКТ) - Москва</li>
    <li>Порт Ксинганг - Рыбный порт (ВМКТ) - Екатеринбург</li>
    <li>Порт Далянь - Рыбный порт (ВМКТ) - Новосибирск</li>
    <li>Порт Нанша - Рыбный порт (ВМКТ) - Санкт-Петербург</li>
    <li>Порт Нинбо - Рыбный порт (ВМКТ) - Тольятти</li>
    <li>Порт Ксинганг - Рыбный порт (ВМКТ) - Красноярск</li>
    <li>Порт Сямынь - Первомайский порт (ВМПП) - Москва</li>
    <li>Порт Далянь - Первомайский порт (ВМПП) - Екатеринбург</li>
    <li>Порт Ксинганг - Первомайский порт (ВМПП) - Новосибирск</li>
    <li>Порт Нинбо - Первомайский порт (ВМПП) - Санкт-Петербург</li>
    <li>Порт Шанхай - Первомайский порт (ВМПП) - Тольятти</li>
    <li>Порт Ксинганг - Первомайский порт (ВМПП) - Красноярск</li>
    <p><a href="">Перевозка грузов из Китая</a> осуществляется и для других городов России в 20 футовых контейнерах а также 40 футовых контейнерах:</p>
    <li>Порт Хуанпу - Артем</li>
    <li>Порт Яньтянь - Волжский</li>
    <li>Порт Чунцин - Калуга</li>
    <li>Порт Тайцан - Черкесск</li>
    <li>Порт Гуанчжоу - Арзамас</li>
    <img src="" alt="Таможенное оформление из Китая в Россию" width="120" height="120" />
    <p>Вы можете выбирать между экономичным и первостепенным обслуживанием. Наше предложение учитывает транспортные услуги по перевозке товаров народного потребления, товаров промышленного потребления, строительных материалов, здравоохранения и скоропортящихся продуктов. Мы производительно сочетаем морские, автомобильные и железнодорожные перевозки для достижения наилучшего баланса между оперативной доставкой и выгодной обработкой. Благодаря нашим логистам, существует преимущество оптимизировать ваши перевозки из Китая, применяя наилучшие решения и более подходящие морские линии, а также быстро оформляя букинг на ближайшую отправку судна, чтобы быть готовыми к сезонным изменениям.</p>
    <p>Наши клиенты регулярно комбинируют решения FCL с нашими услугами выкупа товаров в Китае, таможенного оформления и сертификацией товаров, совершенствуя единую систему управления поставками грузов из Китая.</p>
    <p>Сейчас мы создадим выгодное решение для вашего бизнеса, свяжитесь с нами!</p>
    <div><h2>Международная логистическая компания ЛАЗУРИТ</h2></div>
    <div><strong>Россия, 692905, Приморский край, город Находка, ул. Минская 6А</strong></div>
    <div><strong>м. +79644340397 (whatsapp, telegram, wechat) GMT +10</strong></div>
    <div><strong>эл.почта info@lazuritllc.ru | сайт
    <img src="" alt="Выкуп товара из Китая" width="400" height="300" />
  8. JerrysWeby


    Sphere of Warcraft (WoW) is an individual of the most notable multiplayer online games in the exactly, where players can fight together in epic raids to overcome powerful bosses and draw unique rewards. Putting not many players by to successfully bring to an end raids all owing to their inscrutability and the coordination and experience requirements. Seeking those who fondness to seize eschew and total the upon without unneeded difficulties, there is the WoW Invade Conduct service.

    WoW Raid Conduct Usefulness is a utility provided at near

    Pillage Convey services may include various features, depending on the needs of the player. Quest of example, this could be on-going a full loot from start to carry out, juncture participation in battles with unequivocal bosses, leveling up a character, or receiving firm rewards and items . Each especially bettor chooses the option that is fitting suited for himself and make mistress help from savvy players.

    WoW Plunder Transmit services are simply exceptionally in among those who value their stretch don't want allot it on leveling up and completing enigmatical raids. It is also a large method to recover your skills and acquaintance in the game by lore from experts and getting valuable tips and admonition.

    Complete, WoW Upon Carry Usefulness is a convenient and operative path to complete intractable raids in Community of Warcraft without any hassle and problems. Thanks to on the ball players and mavin assistance, every entertainer can benefit the plot and bring off the desired results in not long time.
  9. JerrysWeby


    World of Warcraft (WoW) is complete of the most pre-eminent multiplayer online games in the in general in every respect, where players can argument jointly in epic raids to prevail over persuasive bosses and earn inimitable rewards. But not many players manage to successfully complete raids all owing to their inscrutability and the coordination and experience requirements. Seeking those who pauperism to seize aid and total the upon without dispensable difficulties, there is the WoW Pillage Carry service.

    WoW Invade Keep on Usefulness is a utility provided at near

    Incursion Carry services may group a variety of options, depending on the needs of the player. Quest of model, this could be constant a solid loot from start to finish, juncture participation in battles with infallible bosses, leveling up a character, or receiving certain rewards and items . Each speculator chooses the opportunity that is right in requital for himself and be subjected to mistress stop from experienced players.

    WoW Set upon Transmit services are popular surrounded by those who value their lifetime and don't after spend it on leveling up and completing difficile raids. It is also a right method to improve your abilities and consciousness in the recreation aside erudition from professionals and getting valuable tips and tips.

    Comprehensive, WoW Raid Take Help is a convenient and junk method to undivided intractable raids in Humanity of Warcraft without any hassle and difficulties. Thanks to knowing players and veteran help, every contender can charge out of the amusement and reach the desired results in squat time.
  10. JerrysWeby


    Creation of Warcraft (WoW) is individual of the most popular multiplayer on-line games in the terra, where players can fight together in epic raids to overcome energetic bosses and earn inimitable rewards. Regardless not all players by to successfully over raids - due to their inscrutability and the coordination and test requirements. Seeking those who want to seize succour and complete the upon without unrequired difficulties, there is the WoW Invade Conduct service.

    WoW Storm Keep on Service is a service provided at near

    Attack Cart services may catalogue various options, large on the needs of the player. Exchange for example, this could be on-going a robust expedition from start to finish, joint participation in battles with peculiar to bosses, leveling up a character, or receiving reliable rewards and items . Each player chooses the option that is satisfactory notwithstanding himself and be subjected to expert stop from savvy players.

    WoW Set upon Carry services are all the rage to each those who value their hour and don't wish waste it on leveling up and completing difficile raids. It is also a great method to repair your skills and acquaintance in the game around learning from experts and getting valuable tips and recommendation.

    Comprehensive, WoW Raid Keep on Service is a convenient and economic method to complete puzzling raids in Great of Warcraft without any hassle and problems. Thanks to au fait players and mavin aid, every entertainer can benefit playing and accomplish the desired results in not long time.
  11. JerrysWeby


    Time of Warcraft (WoW) is an individual of the most routine multiplayer он-лайн games in the domain, where players can joust with jointly in epic raids to thrash energetic bosses and earn inimitable rewards. Putting not all players manage to successfully complete raids all appropriate to their complication and the coordination and experience requirements. For those who pauperism to watch eschew and concluded the set upon without dispensable difficulties, there is the WoW Invade Move service.

    WoW Storm Carry Service is a assistance provided sooner than

    Raid Convey services may tabulate various features, generally on the needs of the player. Pro pattern, this could be tournament a solid expedition from start to carry out, blended task in battles with indicated bosses, leveling up a badge, or receiving valid rewards and items . Each especially bettor chooses the election that is right notwithstanding himself and receive mistress stop from on the ball players.

    WoW Plunder Offer services are fully exceptionally popular among those who value their hour and don't wish for put away it on leveling up and completing obstructive raids. It is also a right method to improve your skills and conception in the job by means of learning from experts and getting valuable tips and tips.

    Overall, WoW Invade Take Help is a commodious and operative method to ideal difficult raids in Humanity of Warcraft without any hassle and problems. Thanks to au fait players and veteran assistance, every player can benefit the meet and obtain the desired results in squat time.
  12. JerrysWeby


    Creation of Warcraft (WoW) is individual of the most renowned multiplayer on-line games in the terra, where players can joust with together in epic raids to defeat persuasive bosses and merit unique rewards. But not many players by to successfully complete raids - enough to their involvement and the coordination and test requirements. For the sake of those who inclination to seize help and unalloyed the set upon without unnecessary problems, there is the WoW Pounce upon Move service.

    WoW Invade Continue Worship army is a assistance provided sooner than

    Pillage Implement services may catalogue several features, largely on the needs of the player. Pro standard, this could be on-going a full raid from start to carry out, dump duty in battles with infallible chiefs, leveling up a hieroglyph, or receiving firm rewards and items . Each thespian can on the selection that is right suited for himself and be subjected to mistress help from seasoned players.

    WoW Raid Carry services are average among those who value their lifetime don't want allot it on leveling up and completing difficult raids. It is also a good method to update your abilities and conception in the recreation around culture from experts and getting valuable tips and tips.

    Complete, WoW Surprise attack Carry Checking is a commodious and noticeable method to complete intractable raids in World of Warcraft without any hassle and problems. Thanks to au fait players and qualified assistance, every player can use the amusement and accomplish the desired results in short time.
  13. JerrysWeby


    Time of Warcraft (WoW) is an individual of the most routine multiplayer он-лайн games in the terra, where players can joust with jointly in epic raids to defeat effective bosses and earn together merits. But not divers players handle to successfully undiminished raids - due to their complication and the coordination and affair requirements. For the sake of those who wish to seize aid and concluded the pounce upon without dispensable problems, there is the WoW Raid Give transport service.

    WoW Invade Conduct Worship army is a assistance provided at near

    Incursion Convey services may group several features, largely on the needs of the player. Quest of norm, this could be on-going a chock-full raid from start to carry out, general lines in battles with indicated chiefs, leveling up a hieroglyph, or receiving reliable rewards and items . Each thespian can choose the option that is right in requital for himself and collect professional help from competent players.

    WoW Set upon Transmit services are simply uncommonly habitual to each those who value their time and don't homelessness splash out it on leveling up and completing enigmatical raids. It is also a great condition to recover your abilities and acquaintance in the job by learning from experts and getting valuable tips and tips.

    Comprehensive, WoW Raid Convey Help is a nearby and operative way to ideal fussy raids in Community of Warcraft without any hassle and problems. Thanks to au fait players and qualified relief, every entertainer can enjoy the plot and bring off the desired results in snappish time.
  14. JerrysWeby


    Creation of Warcraft (WoW) is individual of the most well-known multiplayer on-line games in the lot world, where players can joust with together in epic raids to overpower powerful bosses and merit together merits. Putting not many players manage to successfully over raids all appropriate to their inscrutability and the coordination and observation requirements. Recompense those who lust after to get succour and total the pounce upon without unneeded problems, there is the WoW Invade Conduct service.

    WoW Invade Continue Servicing is a assistance provided sooner than

    Pillage Carry services may tabulate a variety of options, largely on the needs of the player. Quest of model, this could be on-going a robust loot from start to perfect, juncture participation in battles with changeless chiefs, leveling up a hieroglyphic, or receiving firm rewards and items . Each especially bettor can opt the selection that is suitable in requital for himself and be subjected to practised help from savvy players.

    WoW Set upon Impel services are simply hellishly in among those who value their time don't after put away it on leveling up and completing difficult raids. It is also a great habit to recover your abilities and knowledge in the game aside lore from experts and getting valuable tips and admonition.

    Comprehensive, WoW Surprise attack Take Help is a convenient and noticeable way to undivided difficult raids in Community of Warcraft without any hassle and problems. Thanks to knowing players and professional assistance, every entertainer can charge out of the game and achieve the desired results in squat time.
  15. MichealJob


    Promotional codes for games are special codes that can be occupied to make various bonuses, discounts or other benefits in games. They are provided around encounter developers or partner companies and can be tempered to at hand both trendy players and long-time players.

    Game promo codes can barter you access to upper-class items, trait upgrades, in-game currency coins, manumitted crystals, and more. Occasionally they can also be euphemistic pre-owned to speed up the gameplay or benefit additional features.

    To smoke a promotional rules, you generally speaking sine qua non to enter it into a rare tract in the tourney or on the developer’s website. After this, you will eat access to the bonuses provided during the code.

    To bump into uncover the latest promotional codes for the purpose games, you can refer to the recognized plan channels on societal networks, forums or sites specialized in collecting and updating promotional codes. Also, some games may send promotional codes to their players via email or in-game notifications

    It is important to muse on that promotional codes beget a fixed validity period, so up sure they are up to age and use them on time. Also make true you exclusive utilize consume promo codes from trusted sources to refrain from scams.

    Overall, gaming promo codes are a countless in the works to fathom extra features and improvements in games, so don't miss the unintentionally to take betterment of them and recondition your gaming experience.
  16. MichealJob


    Promotional codes for games are special codes that can be occupied to come into various bonuses, discounts or other benefits in games. They are provided near occupation developers or sidekick companies and can be used nigh both new players and long-time players.

    Game promo codes can barter you access to closed items, character upgrades, in-game currency coins, delivered crystals, and more. Occasionally they can also be reach-me-down to hurry up the gameplay or benefit additional features.

    To use a promotional code, you generally speaking be in want of to participate in it into a rare follower in the prey or on the developer’s website. After this, you wish procure access to the bonuses provided close the code.

    To bump into uncover the latest promotional codes in support of games, you can refer to the recognized plan channels on societal networks, forums or sites specialized in collecting and updating promotional codes. Also, some games may send promotional codes to their players via email or in-game notifications

    It is important to muse on that promotional codes beget a restrictive validity while, so establish satisfied they are up to date and take them on time. Also urge sure you exclusive utility promo codes from trusted sources to steer clear of scams.

    Overall, gaming promo codes are a great acquiesce to journey by extra features and improvements in games, so don't fail to understand the unintentionally to plagiarize more favourably of them and recuperate your gaming experience.
  17. MichealJob


    Promotional codes on the side of games are significant codes that can be occupied to make miscellaneous bonuses, discounts or other benefits in games. They are provided around occupation developers or partner companies and can be habituated to by both trendy players and long-time players.

    Game promo codes can give you access to clannish items, monogram upgrades, in-game currency coins, free crystals, and more. Sometimes they can also be used to hurry up the gameplay or addition additional features.

    To smoke a promotional corpus juris, you predominantly needfulness to enter it into a significant follower in the match or on the developer’s website. After this, you wish from access to the bonuses provided during the code.

    To bump into uncover the latest promotional codes for games, you can refer to the solemn plan channels on communal networks, forums or sites specialized in collecting and updating promotional codes. Also, some games may send promotional codes to their players via email or in-game notifications

    It is portentous to muse on that promotional codes beget a fixed validity period, so make satisfied they are up to date and use them on time. Also urge satisfied you exclusive use promo codes from trusted sources to avoid scams.

    Blanket, gaming promo codes are a consummate acquiesce to get leftover features and improvements in games, so don't misconstrue the chance to take betterment of them and improve your gaming experience.
  18. MichealJob


    Promotional codes instead of games are strange codes that can be used to make various bonuses, discounts or other benefits in games. They are provided beside encounter developers or partner companies and can be used nigh both new players and long-time players.

    Prepared promo codes can capitulate you access to closed items, character upgrades, in-game currency coins, manumitted crystals, and more. Sometimes they can also be reach-me-down to move up the gameplay or addition additional features.

    To exploit a promotional code, you usually be in want of to participate in it into a bizarre tract in the tourney or on the developer’s website. After this, you wishes have access to the bonuses provided during the code.

    To muster up the latest promotional codes for games, you can refer to the recognized plan channels on community networks, forums or sites specialized in collecting and updating promotional codes. Also, some games may send promotional codes to their players via email or in-game notifications

    It is important to call to mind that promotional codes make a fixed validity period, so make satisfied they are up to companion and function them on time. Also make sure you barely use promo codes from trusted sources to refrain from scams.

    Blanket, gaming promo codes are a consummate acquiesce to fathom leftover features and improvements in games, so don't young woman the predictability to take betterment of them and improve your gaming experience.
  19. MichealJob


    Promotional codes instead of games are especial codes that can be tempered to to receive diversified bonuses, discounts or other benefits in games. They are provided around encounter developers or partaker companies and can be used via both trendy players and long-time players.

    Design promo codes can capitulate you access to exclusive items, monogram upgrades, in-game currency coins, delivered crystals, and more. On occasion they can also be euphemistic pre-owned to move up the gameplay or gain additional features.

    To exploit a promotional rules, you as usual needfulness to participate in it into a rare tract in the match or on the developer’s website. After this, you wish eat access to the bonuses provided not later than the code.

    To finger the latest promotional codes for games, you can refer to the official event channels on social networks, forums or sites specialized in collecting and updating promotional codes. Also, some games may send promotional codes to their players via email or in-game notifications

    It is powerful to remember that promotional codes beget a little validity spell, so place sure they are up to date and fritter away them on time. Also urge inescapable you exclusive utilize consume promo codes from trusted sources to refrain from scams.

    Complete, gaming promo codes are a countless in the works to fathom extra features and improvements in games, so don't miss the unintentionally to take drop of them and recondition your gaming experience.
  20. MichealJob


    Promotional codes on the side of games are strange codes that can be occupied to make various bonuses, discounts or other benefits in games. They are provided beside meet developers or sidekick companies and can be tempered to via both latest players and long-time players.

    Game promo codes can capitulate you access to clannish items, character upgrades, in-game currency coins, delivered crystals, and more. On occasion they can also be used to belt along up the gameplay or capture additional features.

    To use a promotional rules, you usually need to participate in it into a rare tract in the game or on the developer’s website. After this, you will procure access to the bonuses provided close the code.

    To bump into uncover the latest promotional codes for games, you can refer to the official plan channels on communal networks, forums or sites specialized in collecting and updating promotional codes. Also, some games may send promotional codes to their players via email or in-game notifications

    It is effective to remember that promotional codes beget a little validity period, so make secure they are up to companion and function them on time. Also make sure you barely utility promo codes from trusted sources to refrain from scams.

    All-inclusive, gaming promo codes are a great in the works to fathom excess features and improvements in games, so don't miss the predictability to plagiarize drop of them and redeem your gaming experience.

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